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Below are some significant tasks:

Construction work on the motorway link road between the Cisa motorway and the Brenner motorway - I plot
Bianconese flyover SC - Recchio Viaduct on A15 - SC flyover Synthesis company access - other minor works
Client: Pizzarotti & CSpA for Autocamionale della Cisa SpA Amount of structural works: approximately € 20,000,000.00 Id S03 and S04 - STATIC TEST

Cable-stayed bridge over the Parma river (PR) on the connection between the southern and eastern Parma road system

Structural works: about € 8.100.000 Id S03 - STATIC TESTING
Client: Municipality of Parma

Variant works to the SP 10 - san Secondo Parmense ring road (PR)

Works amount: around € 5.276.971,93 - STATIC AND TECHNICAL ADMINISTRATIVE TESTING
Client: Parma Provincial Administration

Renovation works and seismic improvement of the Fabbrico Sport building

Amount of work: about € 1,200,000.00 Id S03, Id S04, Customer Id: Municipality of Fabbrico (RE)

Milan Bologna high-speed line: Lot 23

Parma viaduct and related temporary works Cisa 1 and Cisa viaducts 2
Parma viaduct 3D
artificial tunnel under SS 62 and Parma-Suzzara line artificial tunnel Parma interconnection (AV below)
Client Eurovie scrl company executing the works;
Amount of structural works: approximately € 24,000,000.00 Id S03, S04 - EXECUTIVE DESIGN

Intervention for the construction of the railway underpass of the Milan-Bologna line
at via Reggio.
Amount of structural works: about € 2,200,000.00 Id S04 - DEFINITIVE, EXECUTIVE AND DRAFT PLANT
Client: Municipality of Parma - Special Authority Unit (EFSA)

"Complex inspection of provincial bridges" ; with the aim of identifying structural criticalities, the components suitable for damping seismic actions and certifying, if necessary, through the modelling design and any load tests, the flow rate with regard to exceptional transports .
Client: Province of Forlì - Cesena
Amount of Works - Id S03 about € 15,000,000.00 V03 about € 7,000,000.00 - COMPLEX INSPECTIONS

Structural survey, creation of the model using finite elements, structural verification, equivalent load scheme including combinations for exceptional transport according to NCdS, verification of exceptional loads and issue of work certification I ° Category of the “S. Colombano” with 3 spans of about 12 m each.
Province of Forlì - Cesena Client: Province of Forlì - Cesena - Amount of the work: approximately € 600,000.00 Id S03 - DESIGN AND VERIFICATION

Ponte Sermide - Castelmassa on the PO with 27 spans and development of 1,000 m

Reconstruction of the structural model of the work through finite element modelling (FEM), based on the original executive project, verification of the section based on the parameters defined in the NTC 2018 - Analysis of vulnerability Si-smica of the work including analysis of the second order (push over) with definition of the consequent Seismic Vulnerability Index, Identification of any criticality of the work, certification of static suitability of the deck, determination of own vibration modes of the structure through the modal analysis with definition of the spectrum of frequencies specific to the second project, plan for the structural monitoring of the work including operations, technological methods and dynamic analysis.
Client: Province of Mantua Amount Work:
approximately € 14.850.000,00 Id S. 03 - S05 and V03 DESIGN AND STATIC FITNESS NTC 2018

Assessment Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability and in Situ Investigations with project improvement proposal
for 6 schools for a total of 12,596 square meters.
Client: Municipality of Gavardo (BS)
Amount of Works: approximately € 16,000,000.00 Specific category S03 - S04 - E08 - E09

Assignment for the Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability and improvement project proposal of the Primary School C. Colodi, of the Secondary School J. Foroni and of the Fruit and Vegetable Market for an area of over 16,000 square meters.
Amount of Works: approximately € 17,000,000.00 - Id S03 approximately € 6,800,000 and E08 / 09 / E20 approximately € 10,200,000.00
Customer: Municipality of Valeggio sul Mincio (VR)

Realization of excellent sports facility of the Municipality of Villafranca di Verona in via Della Speranza (VR)
Class: E.13 - Id
Amount of building works € 4.140.353,74
Position: CSE
Customer: Municipality of Villafranca di Verona

Project for the reclamation and redevelopment by construction of a car park in the area called PUA 7

"Ex Belgiers steelworks" in Vicenza (VI) Class: V.02 Assignment: Final design, executive, CSP - Construction supervision, CSE, CRE editing, Testing environmental Amount of the works: € 1.523.616,30
Client: Municipality of Vicenza

Construction of a new school center for primary and secondary schools in Dossobuono (VR)
Class: E.08 - Id
Amount of building works € 1,354,831.36
Position: Final project
Client: Municipality of Villafranca di Verona

Project for the construction of a new elementary school in Lugagnano in via G. Carducci
Class: S.03
Amount of the works: € 650,000.00
Assignment: Final design, executive
Client: Municipality of Sona

Restoration, rehabilitation and structural reinforcement c / o the "House of the Treaty" in Villafranca di Verona (VR)
Class: I Cat .: d
Amount of the works: € 31.235,00 (CSP) - € 1.800.000,00 (CSE)
Commission: CSP - CSE
Customer: Municipality of Villafranca di Verona (VR)

Project for the construction of the new headquarters of the municipal police and mobility / traffic sectors with parking in Verona
Class: I Cat.: g
Assignment: Definitive structural design
Amount of the works: structures € 4.924.806.00
Client: Municipality of Verona

Seismic vulnerability verification service of the intervention planned by the Municipality of Verona
"Urban redevelopment of the Veronetta district - Lot 1: Former Santa Marta Barracks - Recovery of Levels Silos for the realization of university and neighborhood services"
Class: S.04 Assignment : Final design
Amount of the works: € 747.115,81
Client: University of Verona

Seismic vulnerability analysis of the R122 Business Center in Via Germania - Via Roveggia 122 / a, Verona (VR)

Class: S.03
Task: Final design
Amount of the works: € 1.600.000,00
Client: Centro Direzionale R122

Construction of a gymnasium within the Urban Implementation Plan of public initiative for the realization of
the complex program former barracks Santa Marta and Passalacqua in Verona (VR)
Class: E.13, E.19, S.03, S.04, IA .01, IA.02, IA.03, V.02
Task: Executive design
Cost of the works: € 4.140.168,17
Client: Sarmar, Aiteco Costruzioni, Cooperativa San Michele

Construction of a new Lidl branch in via Brennero, Trento (TN)

Class: E.04, S03, IA.02, IA.03, V.02
Position: Final and executive design, CSP, CSE, Works Management, Cadastral Practice
Amount of the works: € 3.000.000,00
Client: Lidl Italia Srl

Renovation of Ex Villa Lieta in Verona (VR)

Class: I Cat.: g, IX c
Amount of the works: € 3.000.000,00
Task: Structural executive design, special works, geological-geotechnical relationship
Client: Architer Srl

Project for the construction of a new building complex in Via Friuli in Lugagnano di Sona - VR

Class: I Cat.:d/g - IIIa /b/c
Amount of the works: total € 6,000,000.00
Task: Architectural executive design and structural, architectural and structural supervision, accounting, resp. works, design of electrical, mechanical, and construction supervision, geological-geotechnical relationship
Client: Immobiliare Cinquerre SpA (VR)